In my quest to find more information about 81SU Bampton Castle which was TSC(S) for STCICS where I spent 3+ yeas as a System Engineer, I have joined the associated Facebook Group. It is amazing what you learn after more than 40 years and the names you remember, (less so for me the faces). I also up-loaded a few photos of the site I recently aquired one of which I have included below of the System Engineering Console. I will be writing about this in the next QRV with more detail. Hope you too, can send me articles to include in QRV, you know you want to!
If you cannot decode some acronyms the RAF is famous for you need to look back through your own QRV's or look them up on Gary's great website here....Ed
G8RAF - WSPR2 (Whisper) Beacon homed on Grid Location IO82
I am not sure how many RAFARS members or for that matter visitors to this website make the use of WSPR2 to get some idea of near time or historical progation conditions on 40m. But for those who do, RAFARS now has a temporary WSPR beacon homed in Grid IO82 running on a Raspberry Pi Zero (filtered) @20mW output. By using the App on the web you can get mapping or database listing showing. I hope to operate the beacon on 80, 40 and 20m but not until I can configure it to auto band change (and built the 20m filter).