Hi all,

As already mentioned, I am attempting to get presentations set up, which are based around radio-related subjects via the RAFARS Zoom platform.

I have therefore asked Rodney VA7FB who is one of our overseas members and is engaged in his home territory of Vancouver in the Canadian CFARS/MARS operation.
For information, CFARS is a radio service of the Canadian Forces similar to the U.S. Military's MARS service. CFARS serves two main functions, one being that of a radio service to boost the morale of service personnel stationed far from home, by providing via radio-link, telephone patches to family and friends and two to provide emergency radio links to the Canadian armed forces.

Rodney has agreed to give his presentation on Thursday 20th February at 19:30 local time.

So please put this date/time in your diaries and I look forward to seeing you all on that date.
73 Hamish G0GLG