The Autumn edition of QRV should be arriving through your letterboxes this week. QRV in digital format is also available to read and download in the Member area of the website.

Included with QRV is the Autumn 2024 QRZ Call Book Supplement, the Autumn 2024 Sales Order Form and the booking details for the AGM and Dinner on Saturday 5th October 2024. Please note that the price of some sales items are likely to increase in Spring 2025.

Also, if the Treasurer does not have details of your subs payment for 2024-2025, there will be a pink reminder sheet included. If you think you have paid, or are not sure, please contact the Treasurer at

If you have not received the printed version of QRV, then it is possible that RAFARS does not have your current postal address. It is not unusual to have returns of the journal marked 'Not at this address'.