Please note that the postion of Contest Manager is currently vacant.

If any member is willing to take on the role of Contest manager, please contact the RAFARS Secretary at secretary@rafars.org

RAFARS Award Scheme Rules

RAFARS All Bands and VHF Awards

RAFARS Starter All Bands and VHF Awards


The RAFARS 'All Bands' and 'VHF' Awards are designed to promote activity between RAFARS members. These awards supersede the Century Club Award.

General Rules

  1. The 'All Bands' and 'VHF' Awards may only be claimed by members of RAFARS or by Clubs affiliated to RAFARS.

  2. The Awards are issued for working RAFARS members, i.e. membership numbers, or certain other Special Callsigns which do not have membership numbers.

  3. The basis of the award is to collect a designated number of points. Points are awarded as follows:

    • ONE point for contact with each RAFARS member, regardless of callsign used.
    • ONE bonus point for a contact with the Council Callsign G3RAF.
    • ONE bonus point for a contact with each of the RAFARS "Voice on the Air" Stations - G8FC and G8RAF.
    • ONE bonus point for a contact with each of the RAFARS Affiliated Clubs, regardless of callsign used.
    • ONE bonus point for a contact with each RAFARS sponsored Special Event Station - using a callsign with the "RAF" or "RFC" suffix. Other Special Event Callsigns maybe claimed under sub para d or f, if appropriate.
    • ONE bonus point for a contact with each RAFARS Area that operates a callsign, regardless of callsign used.

  4. Multiple contacts with a particular station using different modes/frequencies WILL NOT count towards the awards.

  5. All contacts on frequencies above 30MHz may count towards the "All Bands" and the "VHF" awards.

  6. Claimants should check that the person contacted is a paid-up member of RAFARS at the time of the contact.

  7. Contacts via repeaters/satellites will not count towards the award.

  8. QSL cards are not required.


The All Bands Award is for contacts totalling 100 points. Stickers are available for contacts totalling 300, 500, 700, 800 and 900 points. There is a special award for contacts totalling 1000 points.


The VHF AWARD is for contacts totalling 30 points on frequencies above 30MHz. Stickers are available for contacts totalling 60, 90, 120 and 150 points.


The starter VHF Award is for contacts totalling 50 points.


The starter VHF Award is for contacts totalling 15 points on frequencies above 30MHz.


  1. For claimants served by the internal UK postal service, the cost of each Basic Award is £1.50 (including postage and packing). Only cheques drawn on UK banks or British Postal Orders will be accepted in payment for the Awards.

  2. Endorsement stickers will only be despatched with an Award or on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope.

  3. For claimants outside the UK, the cost of each Award is 10 IRC's (includes packing and postage by surface mail). Endorsement stickers will only be despatched with an Award or on receipt of one IRC, together with an addressed envelope.


  1. Claims for Awards/Endorsement stickers should take the form of a list of contacts which should preferably be in RAFARS number order.

  2. The list should specify the date, time, frequency band, mode, callsign and RAFARS number for each member worked. For SWL's, the callsign of the station worked by the station heard should be included in the list.

  3. For a contact with a 'bonus point' station, both the 'on air' callsign and the operator may be claimed if they haven't already been claimed. If the 'bonus point' station is then worked with a different operator the new operator may be claimed, again if not already claimed. e.g. A contact with G4CES operated by G0KTH is worth two points provided neither has been worked before. If contact is then made with G4CES operated by G3VAO, it is worth one point, provided G3VAO hasn't been claimed before.

  4. It is important that for contacts made per para 3, the callsign and RAFARS number of both 'bonus point' station and the operator are shown on the claim sheet.

  5. Completed claims, together with the appropriate payment/SAE should be sent to the Awards Manager, (see the Who to Contact page) and Page 2 of QRV.

  6. If you are claiming an Endorsement please indicate on your claim the issue number of your basic award. If a record of your previous claim(s) is not available you may be asked to supply details so that the Awards Manager's records can be updated.


  1. When submitting claims, please make sure your Name, Address, Callsign and RAFARS number are clearly shown.

  2. Award claims will be accepted on disc (this makes verifying much easier). The claim may be submitted in any of the following formats:

    • MS Excel
    • MS Access
    • ASCII text

  3. If you have any queries or would like additional copies of the Rules please contact the Awards Manager, enclosing an SAE (or an addressed envelope plus one IRC if you live outside the UK).

  4. Large claims may take a while to process, so please be patient!


This award is designed to promote interest in RAFARS and to encourage activity between the Society's Affiliated Clubs and ALL other radio amateurs.


  1. The award is available to all licensed amateurs and SWL's who have made simplex contacts with, or have heard, TEN of the following:

    • RAFARS Affiliated Club Stations (Where a Club Station has more than ONE callsign, e.g. G8FC/G4CES, then only one may be claimed if worked or heard.

    • RAFARS "Voice on the Air" - G8FC and G8RAF (Both may be claimed if worked or heard).

    • RAFARS Council - G3RAF (can only be claimed once).

    • RAFARS Special Event callsigns (ending in either RAF or RFC - up to THREE special events can be claimed).

  2. Contacts on or after 1 January 1992 are valid.

  3. Contacts via repeaters/satellites will not count towards the award.


  1. To claim the Award, log extracts consisting of date, time, callsign of station worked/heard, frequency band, mode and either the RAFARS number or location in the case of special event stations, should be sent to the Awards Manager, (see the Who to Contact page) and Page 2 of QRV.

  2. Award claims will be accepted on disk (this makes verifying much easier). The claim may be submitted in any of the following formats:

    • MS Excel
    • MS Access
    • ASCII text


  1. For claimants served by the internal UK postal service, the cost of the Award is £1.50 (Including postage and packing). Only cheques drawn on UK banks or British Postal Orders will be accepted in payment for the Awards.

  2. For claimants outside the UK, the cost of the Award is 10 IRC's, (includes packing and postage by surface mail).